Fashion Tips to Flatter Your Body Type
Are you tired of searching for fashion tips that flatter your body type? Look no further! In this blog post, we’ll provide you with some easy-to-follow fashion tips to help you look and feel your best. Whether you’re a petite pear shape, an athletic hourglass, or a voluptuous apple, we’ve got the fashion tips you need to dress your shape and make the most of your unique figure. Read on to learn more about how to choose the best styles for your body type.
What is your body type?

So it’s time for you to show off all of your favorite features in some of our latest designs, like new silhouettes. Our stylists are available and willing to help you find your new style. Simply take the style quiz and schedule an appointment with a Fix. Once we receive your request, we’ll send five pieces of jewelry chosen by us specifically for you to try out in the comfort of your own home. Order what you love, send the rest back. You have no shipping or return fees!

It largely depends on how dedicated you are and what your budget is, but I believe it could be done in about six months if you spend wisely and build your wardrobe slowly. It will probably take about a year to complete, but because it is easiest to shop for items when you are within that season and are capable of checking what pieces you must have for your wardrobe.
What are some fashion tips for petite figures?

If you want to look mature and not like a young twentysomething, steer clear of floaty fabric and choose more fitted and cleverer pieces with waist nipping and tucking, this will highlight your figure and make you appear more adult-like.